Stagnant Water Complaints

Welcome Forums Property Maintenance Codes Discussion Stagnant Water Complaints

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  • #3277
    William Dubbs, Jr.

    When receiving complaints regarding stagnant water on a property such as in vehicle tires, buckets, and other items that may collect water, do you issue a violation notice under the IPMC?
    IPMC Section 302.2 Grading and drainage. Premises shall be graded and maintained to prevent the erosion of soil and to prevent the accumulation of stagnant water thereon, or within any structure located thereon.
    Or, does your municipality have a separate ordinance or an amendment to the IPMC to address items that collect water.

    I don’t feel as though the IPMC addresses this issue under Section 302.2

    I appreciate any feedback.

    Willis Shrauder

    It really does not address i,t as you said you would almost need to have another ordinance that addresses it. Unless it is a swimming pool and then it is addressed in 303.1

    William Dubbs, Jr.

    Thanks for your comments.

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