The PA Department of Labor & Industry has recently created an advisory related to Industrialized Buildings and Building Components that is in the process of being published on L&I’s website HERE. You can also download it HERE.

The Advisory states:

Section 901 of the Pennsylvania Construction Code Act (PCCA) (35 P.S. § 7210.901) exempts new manufactured and industrialized housing and housing components as defined by the Industrialized Housing Act (35 P.S. § 1651.5). The PCCA does not, however, specifically address “industrialized buildings and building components.”

Recently, the Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED), under authority of section 5 of the Industrialized Housing Act amended regulations (Chapter 145) to monitor production and certification of industrialized commercial buildings and building components for placement in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

The PCCA does not address “industrialized buildings and building components” and since they are permitted under the Industrialized Housing Act, the PCCA and Uniform Construction Code does not prohibit them. The Department of Labor & Industry does not enforce the Industrialized Housing Act, but certification of industrialized buildings and building components by DCED mirrors the current DCED program that certifies industrialized housing and housing components.

A manufacturer of industrialized buildings and building components must provide documentation to the Code Official that the building components were constructed following the code in effect in Pennsylvania at the time of construction. The Code Official is then required to perform inspections similar to those related to industrialized housing and housing components.

Such inspections must include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Site conditions
  • Utility connections
  • Mechanical connections within the structure
  • Accessibility and means of egress

Inspections should be performed in a non-destructive manner, but the Code Official has the authority to perform any inspections on the building components that they feel are necessary for the life safety component of the building and for its occupants.

If you have any questions related to the advisory, please feel free to reach out directly to:

Matthew W. Kegg | Director
PA Department of Labor & Industry Bureau of Occupational & Industrial Safety
651 Boas Street Room 1613 | Harrisburg PA 17121
Phone: 717-783-6304

Watch a 10/19/23 PENNBOC webinar on this subject led by PA L&I and DCED staff.