Everybody would like to hit the ground running when starting out in building code careers, but most new code professionals could use some help to guide their paths forward in the workplace.
The ICC Emerging Leaders Membership Council (ELMC) hopes that its new, annual Trailblazer Award will promote the kinds of mentorships that are needed to create success stories for new generations of code officials. Applications to nominate an outstanding mentor are available online. The filing deadline for nominees to receive the 2021 Trailblazer Award is June 1.
“The Trailblazer Award was established to recognize inspiring examples of successful mentor relationships among veteran code officials and young careerists finding their paths in the built environment,” Andre Jaen, chair of the ELMC Governing Committee, said. “The Emerging Leaders Membership Council’s Governing Committee created this award to promote more and more veteran code officials to reach out and shape the next generation of code officials.”
To continue reading about this new award, visit the ICC Building Safety Journal webpage.